Does Your Board Have Parking Lot Conversations?

Some Board members are quiet during meetings, but they engage in spirited discussions during breaks or in the parking lot after the meeting. Such conversations may include criticisms of decisions

Don’t Overlook Reviewing Committee Composition

Priorities of an organization are forever adapting. Yet through the constant change, committees and compositions remain, for the most part, unchanged. The problem with this is that the most significant

Time To Restructure Your Governance Model?

For a variety of reasons, a growing number of associations and other not-for-profits are restructuring Board governance to increase their efficiency. Some association executives and volunteers take the plunge once

How To Hold A Virtual Annual General Meeting

As technology advances, associations and other not-for-profits continuously need to re-evaluate their processes in order to stay ahead of the curve and not seem outdated. AGMs are rarely known for

What Kind of Board Are You On?

Governance structures can be organized based on where they stand on a continuum between pure policy and pure administrative boards. The former develops policy and hires an executive director for

Generation Z In the Boardroom

Born from the late 1990s to now, Generation Z is the current generation, and its oldest members are starting to enter the workforce and our Boardrooms. More importantly, they are

The Benefits of Transparency in the Boardroom

Transparency is a word that gets bounced around a lot in boardrooms these days, so it’s not surprising that many high-functioning organizations have adopted a transparent and accountable approach to


by Michael J. Berens Keeping board members on track is never easy, but what do you do when your board falls prey to misinformation — in particular, misinformation of their
