Robert C. Harris The reputation of an organization can be tarnished by a director who acts without authority or in defiance. A person who openly criticizes the leadership or complicates


I saw this article from a New York City consultants site, Nelson Construction Consulting. It quotes some good Books so I thought I would copy it for you and thanks


If you are making constitution and/or bylaw changes now and you are not familiar with the proposed new Society Act in British Columbia, the fact is you are probably going


For a variety of reasons, a growing number of associations are restructuring governance to increase their efficiency. Some association executives and volunteers take the plunge once they realize things aren’t


Join me September 25 & 26 Executive Airport Plaza Hotel, Richmond for the Volunteer BC Conference. Learn more and register here: I’ll be speaking about “The Collaborative Board Model” The


  BY MARK ATHITAKIS / JUL 21, 2014(iStock/Thinkstock) It’s lonely at the top: A new study suggests that new nonprofit CEOs get little guidance from their boards during their first months on the


Each day I receive a newsletter from the American Society of Association Executives ( ASAE). From time-to-time  I notice something that is applicable to Canadian based  membership organizations, here is


By Bruce Anderson, CAE If associations don’t change to better serve their end users, those customers will gradually find other alternatives. Once that shift has begun, it is very difficult


We often think that there can be 2, perhaps 3 different generations existing on one Board yet that amount could actually be ‘4’……… The article below written for the American


A recent study suggests that too much agreement on a board can weaken a company, even increasing the probability of fraud. Why you need to (nicely) cultivate dissent. Is an
